Friday 11 July 2014

Research into music channels- Miss Georgiou


1. Who is the target audience and why?
MTV's target audience are aged between 12 and 30 years old

2. What type of music does the channel play and why?
MTV mainly plays pop and mainstream music.

3. Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis?
Some examples of artist who feature on a regular basis are Katy Perry, Rhianna, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber and Little Mix.

4. How is the channel used as a form of branding?

5. How does the logo appeal to the target audience?
The black and white colouring is simplistic and bold which creates and makes a statement to the audience, making them noticeable and distinguishable. Also the graffiti writing helps appeal to the mainstream audience as its youthful and therefore relevant to the audience.


1. KerrangTargets 15-34s.

2. Kerrang! was initially devoted to the new wave of heavy metal music and the rise of hard rock acts but in 2000 more devoted itself to solidly rock. They play this type of music as the target audience are people who are fans of this genre and would expect to see it there. This means they are providing their audience with what they are wanting to see. 

3. Examples of artists that feature on a regular basis are, Foo Fighters, Kaiser Chiefs and Metallica as they fit in correctly to the genre and therefore fit in the criteria. 


5. The logo appeals to the target audience as rock and heavy metal are typically associated with dark colours and elements of goth/emo. This means that the black writing in the heavy uneven font, speaks the genre of the music perfectly. The 'chipped' effect  creates an 'edgy' element. 


1.  VIVA targets 16year olds- to young adults.

2. VIVA plays 'the official music chart' which consists of mainstream/pop music. This does however mean that genres of music can differ as the chart music is consistently changing, having said this, primarily chart music is built up of pop artists.

3. Examples of artists that feature on a regular basis are Justin Timberlake, Jason Duerlo, Rita Ora, Rudimental, Calvin Harris.

4.  Viva advertise their channel through their recognisable logo on adverts, social networks and others.

5. The logo appeals to the target audience of primarily teenagers, more so women. The pink bold font, promotes pop as a genre as it is a common colour shown within the genres videos and the slanted text adds a youthful and edgy feel.


1. 4music has a target audience of 16-34 year olds






Friday 4 July 2014

History Of A Music Video- Miss Georgiou

History Of A Music Video

The way in which us as consumers now consume music videos differs due to the change in time. Whereas 10 years ago the likes of huge music video providers such as Youtube didn't exist it appears that we relied on the like of MTV rather than digital copies. Below shows a timeline of how music videos have changed and altered over times and the aspects that come with it.

1981- MTV launched

24hr broadcast means music videos begin to play a central role in music marketing by the mid 1980s. MTV is a 24-hour general entertainment channel operated by Viacom International Media Networks Europe, available in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The channel was launched as part of MTV Networks Europe localization strategy in 1997. It was the first music channel to be made/created. 

2005- Youtube Launched

Allows people to watch videos online. New artists see popularity rise through internet such as Justin Bieber who was discovered by record label owner Usher from his posts on the websites. Below shows the most viewed videos on the website as of the date June 2014. 

Budgets for music videos

The table below shows the most expensive music videos within the past 14 years. As you can see, music video budgets have risen as time has developed showing that our music industry has risen massively which reflects in the video budgets. This reflects also in technology and special effects.

Research into Goodwin's theory- Miss Georgiou

Goodwin's Music Theory

Andrew Goodwin's theory allows us to analyse music videos concentrating on 7 main principles:
1> Demonstrate genre characteristics
2> Relationship between lyrics and visuals
3> Relationship between music and visuals
4> Demands of the record label 
5> Frequent references to notion of looking, voyeuristic treatment of the female body
6> Intertextual reference
7> The notion of weather a video is performance based, narrative based or concept based
Goodwin claims and quotes that music videos are often constructed by the link between the visuals, lyrics and the music plus the artist. Relationships are built between these in the video, and the close-ups of the artists gives them the representation and publicity they require from an audience. Record labels demand artists to create a video which will sell records and Voyeurism is used to increase the video’s attractiveness, particularly to males, whilst intertextuality is often employed in humorous videos. Goodwin also says that a music video is ALWAYS one of the 3, performance, narrative or concept based videos as an additional concept. 
Throughout the Nasty music video by Pixie Lott, the lyrics and the visuals directly relate on a number of occasions in order to enhance and amplifiy the story and message that the song and video is telling us collectively. The song lyrics after a few lines are "I felt a tap on my shoulder" as a close up of Pixie Lott's shoulder appears on screen. This is suggestive that she is significant to the story line which is supported by her singing in first person. This therefore then provides the audience with an insight into the remainder of the video and whom their main focus will be upon. As the music video digresses the lyrics

The notion of weather a video is performance based, narrative based or concept based is present within the video Nasty which, supports Goodwins theory. Within the video their is an element of performance based from 2:04 onwards but before this time we witness Pixie Lott telling the narrative through her eyes. This is primarily shown through her performance to the camera and he singing of the words through her lips rather than anyone else within the video. This can be affective as a whole as it can make audience members feel more engaged as they feel the song is meaningful and suited to the artist herself rather than someone else who they are not a fan of. 

The demonstration of genre characteristics is also displayed through this pop video. We can identify it as a pop video more obviously through the type of artist and knowledge of her music but, also due to the conventions and codes followed. For example; a convention that is followed is the use of bright colours and dance routine. The bright colours of both Pixie's costume and her fellow 'friends' are bright colours and are outfits that a youthful audience would consider wearing. This means that a youthful audience will be attracted to the video and the artist due to the nature of fashion being important to them and it being featured in the video. Furthermore, the use of the dance routine follows the pop genre as pop songs are usually songs that audience members dance to, this means that Pixie is following the genre and therefore pleasing her pop orientated audience.

Demands of the record label are shown through cinematography in the form of close ups of the artist. For example there are several points as to when Pixie is shown in a close light. Records label would demand things such as this so that the audience can clearly view the artist and can see and idenitfiy them clearly.

Frequent references to notion of looking, voyeuristic treatment of the female body is shown avidly. We see this at 34seconds when Pixie is showing her shoulder and hips in regards to the lyrics being sang. She also at 2:03 dances with a man in a way that shows her body avidly to the audience. This is so that male audience members; who make up a large part of Pixie's fanbase are catered for and are pleased with the videos content. However, having said this, with such a diverse and mass market audience, when pleasing elder memebers comes displeasing younger members. Younger fans parents may be disatisfied with the content of the video which may cause a loss of younger fans due to the provocative viewing.

Intertextual reference to films, tv programmes, narrative or concept based.

 The relationship between music and visuals is shown in a series of places within the music video. Primarily it is notable when you see the music beat change and speed up at 1:05 and Pixie's dance routine start. This demonstrates that as the music gets to this point within the song, that Pixie's routine will start so that fans can fast forward and rewind to this point as and when they would like to.

Thursday 3 July 2014

What is a Music Video- Miss Miller

What is the purpose of this music video?

The music video I have chosen is titled "Can't remember to forget you" by the two pop artists Rhianna and Shakira and the music video itself mirrors the artists they are in the genre sense. The purpose of this music video is to make a song available to a wide audience. We can identify this due to the collaboration of the two artists coming together to create the video and also featuring in it. This means that there are two fanbases who are going to be watching the video due to their 'idol' or 'loved artist' being apart of this. Furthermore, the artists would hope that they can also gain the support of the artist they are collaborating withs fanbase to increase their popularity which will then lead to more single sales of their own and therefore an increase in profit for them as an individual.

What is the style of the music video?
What are the codes and conventions of the particular music genre and how are they followed/adapted/challenged and how it appeals to an audience?

The style of the music video is of a pop nature. We can see this through the conventions that are followed and interweaved within the video such as dancing and provocative behaviour. The style is followed as audience and fans would expect the video to be of a pop nature, so the artist and record labels retrospectively choose to follow the demands of the audience members to avoid dissatisfaction and to increase sales revenue (the measurement of an artists success).

There's usually bright lighting and some form or other of bright object/costume in pop videos. This makes the video stand out more and also appeals to youth (the target audience) as it appears vibrant and lively which are aspects young people are attracted to. However, within Can't remember to forget you, the overall lighting of the video is bright which follows the conventions of the pop genre but key aspects such as the mise en scene element of costume; are not brightly coloured nor vibrant. This is broken as they are heading and aiming more towards the seductive side of the pop genre and less of the "bright and vibrant" youthful feel. This could be due to the fact that Shakira and Rhianna feel their audiences have grown with them and that they are elder and that this appeals to them more and is going to be more aestehtically attractive. The costumes for actors in pop videos are generally whatever is in fashion at the present time which could also be a reason for the record label and artists choices. This may have been the reason as this makes them more relatable and liked by their youthful target audience, as fashion is an important thing to them.

At 2:02 we can see through the micro element of the camera shot close up that sensual movements and provocative behaviour is used by the two artists. The reasoning for using this is that as a large amount of their fan bases/audiences are male, this is likely to gain their attention and to make them watch it more amounts that if it was to not contain this behaviour. However, a downfall of this is that with such a mass market fanbase, when pleasing a segment of the audience comes displeasing others with particular techniques. So by having a young audience as well as an older male audience, younger audiences parents may find the content displeasing.

Overall, Can't Remember To Forget You shows the pop genre of a music video clearly due to the conventions of this genre shown. With the conventions being evident it makes the genre of the video present and for fans to find out weather the video is to their taste of genre.